a play titled after

the collective noun FOR

female-identifying 20-somethings

living in nyc in the 2010s.

3w, 1m or nonbinary


Shirin is working on a book about post-Occupy Wall Street grassroots movements, while trying not to succumb to anxiety attacks over the state of the world. CJ is a public defender navigating our utterly fucked up judicial system, while trying to find time for a meaningful personal life. Elizabeth needs to finish college and figure out what to do next. Oh, also, there's a mysterious bug infestation in the kitchen and Shirin might be considering... organized religion? Hashtag Millennials, amirite? A PLAY TITLED AFTER... is a play for anyone who may be new to civil disobedience, protesting, or activism; a battle cry for those who find themselves awakening to a world order that will remain profoundly unjust unless each person commits to radically re-envisioning what it means to be a citizen.

2019, Corkscrew Festival, World Premiere

2018, THML Theatre Company, 28-hour reading

Mari Vial-Golden and Justin Fuller, Corkscrew Theater Festival 2019, World Premiere. Photo by Justin McCallum

Mari Vial-Golden and Justin Fuller, Corkscrew Theater Festival 2019, World Premiere. Photo by Justin McCallum

CJ: The moral arc of the universe bends towards justice if we do the work of bending.
SHIRIN: There is no such thing as the moral arc of the universe; there is only what we do to each other.
Mari Vial-Golden, Corkscrew 2019. Photo by Justin McCallum

Mari Vial-Golden, Corkscrew 2019. Photo by Justin McCallum

EXTERMINATOR. When you asked about knowing whether it’s God speaking to you or just your own personal, very human shit?
SHIRIN. Uh huh.
EXTERMINATOR. Maybe that spark felt in the instant of desire, or the purity of conscience that compels you to, for example, undertake the enormous responsibility of writing your book and sharing those stories, maybe that’s the voice of our divinity. It doesn’t come from above or without. It is simply your humanity.